Suburban Faux-Pas is a lifestyle blog where I share snippets of my current inspirations including fashion, beauty, decor and more. I began blogging in 2012 and simply saw it as a means to share my creativity through an outlet. I could have never imagined it would come so far!
When I’m not blogging, I work as a Social Media Strategist in an agency located just outside of Toronto. I’ve worked in various fields of Marketing and Public Relations since graduating and have recently begun to focus my efforts on working with clients to expand their social media presence. I’m often asked if I’d blog full time but I really do enjoy my career and wouldn’t trade it for anything!
Why the title you ask? While I had always pictured myself as a city girl post-graduation, I followed my husband out to the ‘burbs and decided to call it home. Unfortunately, my city style never left which often seems to perplex neighbours who question why taking out the trash, grocery shopping or post office runs require an ensemble. Needless to say, this blog is my personal outlet to relate to city slickers and suburban stylistas alike.
To contact Krystin, owner and founder, feel free to email me at contact@krystinlee.com